May 1st is special to me because I celebrate my 10th anniversary at the quirky, inspiring, and innovative Suntory Flowers Europe. Many (still) call us: Moerheim, Moerheim New Plant, or MNP flowers. I say: “The plant pioneers family” simply because we are!
An atypical and groundbreaking international breeding company with the appearance of a multinational, where we work with a small team of loyal employees, getting the best out of each other every day. From Jeroen, Halit, Willem, Pam, Klaas, Paul, Marije, Melvin, Editha, Franci, and Hen to our friends from Japan at Suntory Flowers, France at Meilland International, and many others.
Every day I see these driven multi-talents with passion, heart and soul, willful and creative, building new, unique quality products of tomorrow for you, where they don’t select on production optimisation but actual garden performance for ordinary gardening enthusiasts. MNP is a company where fingerspitzengefuhl, human interaction and clear vision prevail over relying only on computer data, smooth-talking and fast money. That’s why I say: “Don’t compete. Excel!”
In the past ten years, besides the name, a lot has changed within Suntory Flowers Europe. We’ve introduced Beautiful new products since then, people have come and gone, there are some changes on a strategic level, and still, we continue to celebrate everything from anniversaries, birthdays, dinners, sales numbers, sailing through Leiden, Amsterdam, and Nieuwkoop, Efteling with all the families, our legendary FlowerTrials and various fantastic trips.

For someone from Woerden (Utrecht) who used to be unfamiliar with agriculture, it has been an exceptional adventure within this colourful and wonderful world, where I sometimes also act as an ambassador for the younger generation when possible. Because what a privilege it is to work with various plant enthusiasts in this unique industry for so long and with so much pleasure. From our loyal partners and suppliers to our licensees, growers, exporters, wholesalers, (online) retailers, and end consumers. I’m sure that together we will take our A-brands Sundaville®, Surfinia®, Senetti®, Princettia®, Surdiva®, Beedance®, Granvia®, etc., to an even more visibly higher level in the future.
Therefore, I can’t wait to tackle future challenges with united strength. Thank you all! I look forward to the next ten years!
After reading this text, do you think: “That’s a long text, but that’s what I want to do too, pioneering with plants?” Or do you want a career switch within floriculture? And sure, I can understand that. Just take a look at
You may also think: “I want to know much more about what those headstrong pioneers do and how?” Then look at our new “pioneers explained movie” You can also send me a PM to come and take a look at our unique breeding kitchen.
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