Floraldaily.com also mentions Suntory Flowers Europe’s trials!

They write:
Are you curious about the very latest in bedding plants? Then visit the Trials & Show Garden of MNP/Suntory in Leimuiderbrug. You are welcome to come and admire the latest genetics and an impressive assortment of bedding plants between 14 June and 22 August. Make an appointment online via www.suntoryflowerseurope.com.
Champions of tomorrow
MNP/Suntory welcomes you this summer during the Trials & Show Garden, where they will present their newest genetics and novelties within the existing collections, for example, Mandevilla (Sundaville®), Pericallis (Senetti®), Xerochrysum (Granvia®), Petunia (Surfinia®) and Scaevola (Surdiva®). All collections, varieties, and novelties have been selected on the basis of market potential, the latest trends, and on the basis of advantages for the various players in the chain.
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